In the insurance sector you often hear it said that if a piece of machinery has a Maintenance Contract, then it no longer needs any Machinery Breakdown Policy because the ...
We at VANTEVO routinely have meetings with leading Brokers, during which some of them tell us – half joking, half serious – that the Material Damage All Risks Policy, in ...
Increasingly in cases of major claims, the Insureds – invariably at the indication of their Lawyers or Brokers – contract a Loss Assessor to help them to prepare and defend ...
A major loss event occurring in an industrial risk generates an emergency situation that requires emergency solutions. With this type of company, the Consequential Losses arising out of the interruption ...
As the saying goes “better safe than sorry”, yet all too frequently we have encountered, on the occasion of visits motivated by claims, companies whose layouts and risk prevention and ...
Unless your policy is on a first risk basis or it has been agreed with Insurers to waive the Average Clause, we believe it is important to draw up a ...
Usually in this type of Policy, no mention is made of underinsurance, since with the “Automatic Increase” Clause, which tends to be set at between 20-40%, this is avoided in ...
Whilst, in general, it is important that any policy is adapted to the characteristics of the risk to be insured, this is fundamental in the field of consequential losses that ...
The brazilian version of the book “Sinistros de Property: Danos Materiais e Lucros Cessantes” is making people talk in the insurance sector and brokerage. Just launched by “Enter Books” publishing ...
Unless our policy is at first risk or we have negotiated with the Insurer the repeal of the proportional rule, we understand that it is important to carry out a ...